Urban spatial and housing economics

  • Li Ling Research Group
  • Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School
  • School of Urban Planning and Design


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Our latest research

This study bridges a gap in traditional residential location choice (RLC) models by integrating home-based travel patterns, addressing the absence of individual preferences in models based solely on location characteristics and demographics.

This study examines how heterogeneous traders on both sides of transactions behave in the housing market under information asymmetry.

Using an abrupt policy change in Chengdu, namely the tightening of the driving restriction policy by expanding the regulated area, as a natural experiment, this study provides new evidence of the effects of driving restrictions based on the difference-in-differences approach.

Dr Li Ling

Assistant Professor at the School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University. She obtained her PhD from University of Hong Kong. Her research primarily focuses on urban spatial and housing economics.

What we focus

Testing traditional housing theories using big data

Employing big data analytics to assess and challenge traditional housing theories; to uncover patterns, trends, and discrepancies in housing dynamics; to provide a nuanced understanding of factors influencing housing patterns.

The efficiency and equality of urban infrastructure investments

We examine how investments in urban infrastructure impact efficiency and equality within urban areas, aiming to identify strategies that optimize resource allocation and promote inclusive development.

The spatial-social-economic impacts of urban redevelopment/renewal

We explore the spatial, social, and economic effects of urban redevelopment/renewal, contributing insights for sustainable and equitable urban development.

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